Whether you need a 1×1 consult or a full company overhaul
we can help.
TrainingCQ team works with C-level managers, sales, R&D and marketing teams and focuses on the high-tech, cyber and fin tech sectors.
We have over 20 years of experience in the global market, including relocation and international business training.
With our vast experience and knowledge we will teach your team to work from a global perspective, improve virtual teams' productivity and raise the level of cultural competency when working cross-border.
Our proven methodology can be applied towards any country and culture you work with.
Our Vision
We are living in exciting times that call for courageous and authentic leadership in leading through blurred boundaries.
The changes we see are opportunities for growth and development as individuals, organizations, and communities.
The post-global world and the digital era brings with it challenges in building lasting business relationships, relationships that are built on authenticity, on a win-win approach, on trust, on inter-personal relations, and on accepting diversity.
The 21st century presents us with opportunities and skill-sets to advance our personal, professional and organizational goals that will enable us to work in harmony and effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Our vision is to enhance cross-cultural communication to better understand the mindset of others and to learn to accept the values, beliefs, assumptions and traditions of people who are different from us, and to overcome the technological barriers in order to build long-lasting business relationships with diverse stakeholders that are built on mutual trust and shared goals.

Arona Maskil
FounderCross-cultural Consultant & Global Team Builder.
I specialize in building global teams and leading virtual multi-cultural teams. I am an expert on Israeli, U.S. and global business culture and as such conduct workshops and lectures around the world for international organizations on acquiring the necessary skill-sets needed to conduct successful global business interactions. I have worked with organizations such as Intel (U.S.A.), Graebel, Harvard Business School, U.S. Navy, U.S. Department of State, Kimberly-Clark, Mobileye, Magen, Medcon, Abbvie, Alcon Labs, Qualcom, Mellanox, among others.
In Israel, I am a designated country-specialist for Dwellworks, one of the leading international global mobility organizations in the U.S.
In addition, I am the cross-cultural trainer of Kan-tor & Acco, a global corporate immigration law firm.
Within this framework, I train families and business people on successful acclimation to U.S. culture taking into consideration personal, social, educational, health and organizational adaptation. Through my work, individuals and organizations learn to build successful business relationships taking into consideration the cultural differences.
From 1995-2015, I served as the Director of EducationUSA – Israel (Fulbright Commission), a part of the U.S. Embassy in Israel. Working with EducationUSA, I played a central role in spearheading and developing an inter-cultural training program that has served over the years thousands of students (and their families), post-doctoral scholars and others in successfully relocating to the U.S. as well as facilitated cultural training sessions at the Weizmann Institute, the Technion, Ben-Gurion University and within other academic settings.
Mentoring: Gvahim Program and Adelson School of Entrepreneurship, Reichman University.
B.A. in Communications and Public Relations from State University of New York and M.A. with honors from the College of Management, Academic Studies, the Department of Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in Counseling.

Anat Neuman-Galler
I am an organizational psychologist, workshop facilitator and a media consultant with over 15 years of experience in training, lecturing, and consulting in Israel and in the USA.
I am an expert in cross-cultural communication, building global teams, and leading virtual multi-cultural teams. I specialize in conflict management, team Building, remote work, and relocation training and work with various global organizations, in and out of Israel.
In addition, I am a communication and PR lecturer at Ono Academic College.
Between 2010-2012 I worked as a Cultural Consultant at Great Place to Work, in S.F, C.A.
GPTW Is a global authority on workplace culture, and on building, sustaining, and recognizing high-trust, high-performing workplace cultures. As part of my job, I worked with key decision-makers in organizations, non-profits, and government agencies to conduct assessments on organizational culture and created plans for new corporate initiatives. I assessed global research and created consulting procedures to help organizations identify, create, and sustain empowering workplaces.
During the last five years, I have worked with the Israeli Ministry of Education and deliver continuing education programs to a diverse group of educators in the following fields: Innovation, management, managing virtual teams, and effective communication methods.
I have worked with organizations such as Cellcom, E-wave, SPHDS (U.S), IDF, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.
Born in Israel and having relocated to the U.S. three times (all together lived there for 15 years), I have a comprehensive understanding of the American cultural mindset and of the important differences between the two cultures.
I hold a B.A. in Communication and Management and an M.A. in Organizational Psychology as well as a Conflict Resolution Certification.

Debra London
English Coaching for Presentation and Communication
In my professional collaboration with Arona and Anat, I am bringing my expertise in the areas of English coaching for presentation and communication skills, to complement Training CQs expertise and create synergy to benefit all clients.
My company, Globalize Your Message, emerged out of three decades working with hundreds of organizations, helping them to achieve maximum international impact. I have been focused on English communication, primarily in presenting, story-telling, messaging and developing relationships with social and business investors, and top level executives.
My goal: You will be at your best in every engagement and encounter, interacting with confidence and clarity.
Over the years, my clients have ranged from executives in hi-tech, business firms, municipalities, cultural organizations, not-for-profits, Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office, philanthropists, artists and professors from academic institutions in Israel and around the globe.
As a trained actress, organizational consultant and long distance running coach, my communication, performance and people skills, together with my bi-lingual and bi-cultural background have served as the foundations of my professional life. I have charted new paths and spearheaded initiatives across a spectrum of organizations and people. I was the pioneer Director of Development for Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company, the first VP for Corporate Community Volunteering and Special Projects at Matan (The Israeli United Way), the founder and co-director of NYU Tel-Aviv, the Executive Director of Unicef Israel to name a few.
Throughout my career I’ve learned how to train professionals to convince people to invest in their projects, organizations and startups. I’ve had to teach them in English to present and communicate, touch emotions, tell impactful stories, while projecting credibility and responsibility.
I hold a B.F.A. in acting from NYU (New York University) Tisch School of the Arts where I graduated with honors. I also hold an M.A. in Organizational Consulting from Bar-Ilan University, as well as professional certifications in teaching English as a second language, long-distance running and arts management. With this education, knowledge and expertise, I have crafted a unique methodology that integrates multidisciplinary training and performance practices, language coaching and high impact presentation skills. All of this, is how I fulfill the promise I made to you earlier: You will be at your best in every engagement and encounter, interacting with confidence and clarity.